About 16 years ago, I bought a package of beads to sew onto a top to give it some shine. Nobody warned me that beads are addictive. BAD BAD BEADS!!! You can't have enough of them! Since that time, I have been making jewelry. I took some soldering classes and tried some wire wrapping, but I always seem to go back to beadweaving.

I belong to the ETSY Beadweavers street team. In the time that I have been a member of that team, I have grown as a designer because of the inspiration and positive reinforcement provided there by my teammates, a group of truly talented artisans. Go to ETSY and search on EBW team. You will be truly amazed by the creations you will find there.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bead Embroidery - Lessons Learned

I finished the embroidery, and I learned what to do and what NOT to do.  I am well pleased with the design, but there are too many mistakes in it for me to sell.  I am going to finish it and wear it myself... it is at least that good. 

I still have to add the backing and finish the necklace.  I crowded the pearls too much and some of them came unglued and popped up..  Lesson 1 - DON'T crowd the beads too tightly.  I wish I could have found button pearls that are drilled through and through instead of top drilled.  I could only find button beads that are either cross drilled or top drilled.  I am glad though that the pearls are sewn in or they would have popped right out.  Maybe another kind of adhesive would have held them better, but I just crowded them too much. 

The beads along the edges kind of lay down.  I hope that they will straighten up when I back it and add the beads for the edging.  Lesson 2 - Do the final cutting out of the necklace AFTER the beading is done!

All in all, I am pleased with the design... so much so, that I started another one using tiny rice pearls instead of the button pearls.  Here is the started piece.

I am still crowding the beads a bit, but that is improving.


  1. WOW...It's really a great work^_^

  2. It's lovely. Looks like springtime to me!

  3. Je trouve votre collier magnifique. J'en ai brode un pour ma tenue de belle mère. Il a quelques défauts également, mais dans l'ensemble ça peut aller.
    Bonne journée.
